Monday, August 18, 2008

New fall TV shows

Is it fall already? TV Guide has posted their guide to all the new fall TV shows. It didn't really seem like there were going to be that many new shows this year, but there are quite a few on that list. I'm going to have to print out the TV grid and figure out what shows I'll record and whether I have too many shows to record.

I'm debating whether to repo the tomcat's other Tivo so that my household can go back to being a 3 Tivo tuner household since 2 tuners is clearly not enough...


Adia said...

I don't know if you're interested in switching - but I hear that AT&T cable gives you a box with two tuners built in.... just a thought.


nyanko said...

I do hate Comcast, but I don't think I can give up TiVo! Plus the tomcat has a box that already has lifetime service that he's not using, so it's like it's free!