Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past

I'm not sure what to do here - this movie stars my personal silly girl Kryptonite (Jennifer Garner), but she's with skeezy dude, Matthew McConaughey. Should I see it or not? The trailer has actual moments of kind of cuteness and some moments of tragedy. The ghosts in the movie seem pretty unfortunate. I'll have to wait for the trailer to decide whether I'm just going to cast doubts and common sense aside and just see this.

P.S. Isla Fisher was so cute in Definitely Maybe that she might become another star who I'll see in anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're right, this movie looks both unfortunate and fulfilling in a romantic comedy sort of way. What a terrible title. I'm worried that I've seen the whole movie now though, having seen the trailer...