Friday, November 04, 2005

So I had an Undeclared "incident" on Wednesday night in that I had two discs of episodes as well as the bonus disc from Netflix. I intended to finish at least one disc so I could get a disc of the Amazing Race for the weekend. Then it occurred to me that I could watch the second disc and get two discs of the Amazing Race for the weekend. And then it occurred to me that I could finish the bonus disc and have three discs of the Amazing Race for the weekend. And Undeclared is very funny show, so it's not hard to convince yourself to watch more. Anyway, the final outcome was a 2:30 am bedtime and a lot of alarm snoozing in the morning. And the confirmation that I still am a moron.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's not being a moron, that's dedication. Watching the Stanford-USC game when the score is 44-7, now that's being a moron.