Tuesday, August 14, 2007

National Treasure: Book of Secrets

Yes, the National Treasure 2 trailer is up and I'm so excited! This is going to be awesome. And it comes out this Christmas! I'm going in the theater, that's how excited I am. Best. Trailer. Ever. Also, I should admit that for a while National Treasure 2 searches on Google were the most frequent referrals to this blog. Apparently there wasn't much info on it out there, since it's definitely poor pickings when you're on this blog.

Also, I should mention that I was recently on a trans-oceanic air trip and watched so many terrible movies, including Next, the Nicolas Cage movie where he can see two minutes into the future, gets together with Jessica Biel, and scored his very young real-life wife a cameo. It was both horrible and yet perfect for a long airplane ride. Take that as you will.

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