Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Love the Beatles

So one of the funniest results of the tomcat going to CES (the Consumer Electronics Show) is that he came back with a new favorite CD. No, that's not the funny part yet. The funny part is that the new favorite CD is yes, the soundtrack from the new Beatles/Cirque du Soleil show. Apparently there is some amazing surround sound whatever stuff and it's the Beatles so that obviously classic, but one has to find humor in the fact that he now owns a Cirque du Soleil soundtrack. He's also trying to persuade me that I don't need to blog about every "funny-funny" (as opposed to funny ha ha) things he does, but I'm not buying it. This is fun. I told him that if he gets his own blog or decides to start blogging here, he can get back at me, but until then, too bad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

_I_ think it's funny. Thanks for posting that :). And "Love" is supposed to have an incredible sound system...