Friday, November 02, 2007


Here's a more indepth article about the new Joss Whedon show, including the notes that if they can get into production soon, they might be able to have the show ready for the spring and even do a full season next fall if successful. Eliza is going into training so she can "into that 'Dark Angel'-on-crack shape where I can do everything." A Dark Angel shoutout? This show could be even more awesome than I imagined. And more on the plot:

Beyond Dushku's character, the show will also revolve around the people who run the mysterious "dollhouse" and two other "dolls," a man and woman who are friendly with Echo. Then there's the federal agent who has heard an urban myth about the dolls, and is trying to investigate their existence.

So it's the classic sci fi show, but I'm still totally excited!

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