Monday, September 18, 2006

The digital cable box has arrived! Woo! I think I've managed to get the IR blasters set up correctly, and now I'm loading up the info. It's very exciting. The on-demand is also working, so I think tonight's fun will be watching the Wire! Yay! I'm so excited. The IR blaster is being a little weird so I think I might have to troubleshoot that a bit more, but so far, so good. We'll see if it actually records my shows tonight (fingers crossed).

And in other news, a few of us are doing a fantasy TV league (don't be hurt if we didn't invite you since the league is limited to 6 people, which was disappointing, and most of us haven't actually read all the rules yet so we're just flailing about so it didn't seem worth it to alienate all of our friends in one go). But we've created a monster in gecko since she actually is monitoring and managing her team. I still haven't figured out who exactly is in my league... But we'll let you know if it's actually fun, and if you should check it out! And since our readership is quite small, there's a decent chance that actually all the people who read this post are actually in the fantasy league... Heh.

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