Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I'm intrigued by the good reviews that Showtime's new show Dexter is getting and you can watch the first episodes streaming online. The show is pretty grisly and is about a police investigator who is also a serial killer, but only kills people who are unredeemable.


totoro said...

I actually watched the first episode of this. It is pretty graphic at times, and really dark, but definitely interesting. The constant voiceovers are a good touch since a lot of it is about this guy who leads a double-life. His girlfriend is someone from the Buffyverse.

You are not sure if you should be rooting for this guy or not, but I think you end up doing so somewhat inadvertently.

nyanko said...

Is it so graphic it's going to make me sad? I've been avoiding Nip/Tuck for that reason...

totoro said...

Actually not much actual generation of blood as far as I've seen. But dead bodies and body parts yeah. After all, Dexter's day job is as a forensic scientist, specifically "blood splatter expert."