Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Netflix's one meeeeellion dollars

Netflix is offering a $1 million prize for a program that will improve their recommendation system. Word on the street is that this system is already pretty good, what do people think?



my friend Eugene had some commentary on the friends engine.. is that the same as the similarity engine? Here you go: http://www.eugenewei.com/mtweblog/archives/002869.html

It's pretty inciteful.

nyanko said...

The recommendation engine has seemed pretty good to me. I don't use them all that much, but I have found some interesting movies. It's better than the TiVo suggestions, because there are a lot more movies, and a lot more obscure movies, so it's easier for the recommendation engine to find a hidden gem. And because it's not possible to be watching all the movies you might be interested in, whereas I do a pretty good job of watching all the tv I'm into.