Monday, June 21, 2004

a Mandy Moore-athon

I apologize, I think Mandy Moore's name is really a curse, because it's way too easy to create horrible puns on her last name. For instance, on the Chasing Liberty DVD, one of the extras was 'Moore' on [something I can't remember - probably her character]. But anyway, I have unfortunately been on a Mandy Moore movie kick - which has led to some unpleasantness and some not so horrible mediocrity.

Chasing Liberty - So. Not. Good. I had such high hopes for this movie - it looked like a fun, fluffy teenybopper European adventure movie. And it was so much pain. The writing! The plot! It was completely embarrassing that my roommates saw that I was watching it. And of course, I never learn, because I have very high hopes for this upcoming Katie Holmes movie, First Daughter, with exactly the same premise.

How to Deal - Also starring Alison Janney. Really, not so bad. Granted, this might just be relative to Chasing Liberty, but I found this movie to be interesting, with characters that weren't too annoying, and a generally entertaining plot overall. So, not a rousing endorsement, but also not a frantic "Escape while you still can" warning.

So, onward to 'All I Want' - starring Mandy (of course), Elijah (Frodo!) and Franka Potente.


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