Tuesday, June 22, 2004

oh tivo, cover your eyes!

Is it bad to be slightly horrified by the dreck that your roommates program the TiVo for? My roommates tend to program lots of stuff onto the shared TiVo, and some of it makes our viewing habits look somewhat smarter/better than my actual tv watching habits (The Daily Show, Meet the Press, the George Stephanopoulos show), but some of the stuff is just, oh.... Like For Love or Money, ER (sorry ER fans, but I just can't take the melodrama), the Practice, Ally McBeal (the later seasons of the last two seem most cringe-worthy), Reba (!)... and I've seen my roommates watching 7th Heaven and Full House. Poor TiVo! And even though the viewing statistics are anonymous and aggregated, it's really a crime to put Tivo through that. Sometimes I look at the Now Playing List and just have to shake my head in sorrow.

Maybe I need separate TiVos - one for the stuff that I'm embarrassed to be taping, and one for the stuff that I would admit to watching, so at least one would have a pristine profile.

- nyanko

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