Wednesday, November 10, 2004

getting lost

Totoro and I had a fun reunion last week - we got to do our usual pasttime of watching TV (although the show we watched was significantly better than the stuff we used to watch: Roswell, Dark Angel...). We watched Lost with egreenbe and had a great time enjoying the show, but with the requisite heckling. I need someone who will watch TV with me when I'm in my home city, who will heckle with me. Sigh. It's so hard to find someone who will heckle at the same level as you - they can't complain too much that they ruin the show, or talk over important dialog. Ah, the art of jeering.

Unfortunately, Wimbledon was already out of the theaters so I couldn't see it with bjc, but I'm sure we'll find some crappy romantic comedy the next time I'm in town.

- nyanko

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