Tuesday, June 28, 2005

the friend weeder outer

Okay, here's the bottom line. You can't be my friend unless you've at least checked out a few of the shows listed below. If you watch and hate these shows, so be it, but you have to give them a chance because they're awesome!

1. The Wire
2. Coupling (Seasons 1-3)
3. Arrested Development (preferably the first season)
4. Scrubs
5. Veronica Mars
6. Freaks and Geeks
7. Wonderfalls
8. The Shield

That's all I can think of now, but I'm sure I'll come up with some late breaking additions. You have all this time during the summer, so you can check out these shows in reruns or on DVD. It's not like you have anything else to watch, or anything better to do, like get out and play in the sun!

1 comment:

Holly Golightly said...

hehe, wow, i barely make your friend cut - i've only seen 'scrubs' out of all those shows. and i don't even watch it that regularly b/c it's in the same time slot as idol and OTH.