Friday, September 03, 2004

House of Anime

So, I have a story. About a week ago, I went on a bit of a nyanko shopping spree at a website called House of Anime. I happily made my purchases, which include the 17" giant potsticker nyanko. So in sum, it's going to take a large box to contain it. I always send packages to my office because there is someone to sign for them. So flash forward to this week. I was on vacation and for the second half of the week, I am working remotely. (Read: I'm not around to get packages from my office.) So, I call into my meeting yesterday and one of my co-workers says, "hey, there's a giant box outside your office." So I think, "yay, my nyanko has arrived!" Then he says, "and the box says House of Anime on it." Well, crap. Now I'm sad because really, who respects anyone who orders a giant box from a place called House of Anime? So I say, "Oh good gravy, just kick the box into my office." And hang my head in shame. Sigh.

But at least I have some good nyanko when I get back, including island nyanko, pot sticker nyanko, and snow cone nyanko.

- nyanko

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