Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Can I say that I am sooo excited that Wimbledon has gotten good reviews? It has gotten 60% positive reviews, which is excellent for a romantic comedy and for my personal low standards - I'll actually consider seeing a romantic comedy in the theater if it's anything above 40%. And in the interest of honest, the Prince & Me got 28% and it really wasn't um, underrated. Kirsten Dunst seems like she might be kind of squeaky, but the previews looked like they were made just to persuade me to go! Unfortunately, these ads make me feel a bit like a sucker because I can tell I'm in the target demographic and gosh darn it, that marketing worked on me. It's like they know me, and know what I'm thinking! Marketing stalkers!

- nyanko

aha! Wimbledon has dropped below the 60% fresh mark. - totoro

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