Thursday, June 29, 2006

There's a contest to create a 20 second promo for the Office. Damn, this could be funny. I should think about what I would do for this. Would I do one about the co-worker who ordered the same thing as me every time we went out eat, and always wants to eat pizza in foreign countries? Would it be about the co-worker who recently introduced me as pregnant, when in fact that is NOT TRUE? (No, really, it is NOT true.) Hmm, the possibilities are endless.

I had a great weekend on a camping trip with some high school friends, including my roommate gecko. Those friends now have a link to the blog, so I may either get a tiny bump in traffic and maybe one new consistent reader. I'm well on my way to achieving my bar of success with the blog, which is either getting preview tapes of TV shows to review from network PR people ... or getting 20 unique visitors to the blog per day. Achievable goals, people!

Also, exciting news for gecko, in that her parents are getting a DVR from Comcast! Now she won't have to scramble to get home in time to watch the Amazing Race live when she's at home.

1 comment:

manganese said...

hurray for DVRs! :)