Thursday, March 03, 2005

Garden of Love

I'm so drawn to the ABC Family Original Reality show Garden of Love, about a family that runs a Las Vegas wedding chapel. It can't be for real, can it? I hate myself.

Also, I was so desparate for entertainment last summer or I have such low standards (more likely the case), that I watched Summerland all last summer. During its hiatus I came to my senses (a little distance has some healing effects, and when you are cringing watching the show in front of another rational person, that's also a sign) and revoked its season pass, but I see the promos for the new season and I'm drawn like a moth to a very large, open flame. ZZZZZOT! Anyway, thankfully 24 conflicts so I can't watch it, but I'm just not sure how long my self-control will last. But I suspect that my self-control would reassert itself as soon as I actually watched the show...

- nyanko

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