Friday, July 07, 2006

I have fallen into the evil clutches of Flickr. The tomcat and I have been looking at friends' Flickr albums and enjoying browsing their pictures, so we decided to get on the bandwagon and put all our pictures up. We're in the midst of editing and tagging all our pictures since we went digital, which means that we are very close to already running over our upload quota for the month (we're sharing one pro account). And this has prompted me to consider scanning all of my existing photo albums and making them digital. It might be fun... So that may be my summer project. Gecko, the roommate, may also join me in a photo-themed summer project as well, to put all her pictures in albums. At least it will give me something to do while I'm cleaning the last of Charmed and Gilmore Girls off the TiVo... Anyway, if you want to see the pictures, they're marked private so email me and I can hook you up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go flickr! you should each get a pro account. =P